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The Wizard In The Forest
Episodes JC Morton Episodes JC Morton

The Wizard In The Forest

JoMo wakes up to a strange letter signed by someone named M. Rasmodius. We soon find out that it’s the name of the Wizard who lives in the stone tower deep in the forest. After paying a visit to the Wizard, we gain the power to communicate with the forest spirits known as Junimos!

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Let's Learn About Worms!
Episodes JC Morton Episodes JC Morton

Let's Learn About Worms!

After heading to the beach south of Pelican Town, JoMo teaches kids about worm composting (also known as vermicomposting). We go into JoMo’s backyard to learn how valuable worms are for the soil. After catching a few fish, we say hi to Shane in Pierre’s General Store. Shane tells us to leave him alone, and we talk about the importance of setting boundaries and how to respect other people's boundaries as well.

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Meeting The Magical Forest Spirits
Episodes JC Morton Episodes JC Morton

Meeting The Magical Forest Spirits

JoMo wakes up to Marnie at the door with a little gray, stray kitty. She asks us if Our Farm needs a farm kitty, and we say YES! While SHOMI The Farm Kitty explores their new home, JoMo meets up with Mayor Lewis at the old Community Center. We see a strange, tiny green creature and find ourselves very surprised and confused! Lewis doesn’t notice and seems confused by our reaction.

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Building Community & Beanstalks
Episodes JC Morton Episodes JC Morton

Building Community & Beanstalks

JoMo takes the kids through his own seed planting process by showing them how to plant tricolored bush beans! We see a before and after shot of how quickly seeds can sprout and what a healthy root system looks like. We discuss how, sometimes, the fastest way to feel better about something is to talk to a grownup you trust.

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Let Me Show You The Garden!
Episodes JC Morton Episodes JC Morton

Let Me Show You The Garden!

JoMo heads to the beach for some rainy morning speed fishing! Kids can practice counting all the fish as JoMo runs through some basic math questions. After checking up on the newly-planted seedlings, JoMo takes kids outside of the game to compare them with seedlings he's growing in his own home and shows how easy it is to do it yourself!

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Catching Fish & Preparing Our Vegetable Garden
Episodes JC Morton Episodes JC Morton

Catching Fish & Preparing Our Vegetable Garden

JoMo meets Willy for the first time: the local Fisherman and owner of the Pelican Town Fish Shop! Willy gives us his old bamboo fishing rod and teaches us that a true angler has respect for the water and for the fish that live within it. We plant our first round of parsnips, potatoes, green beans, cauliflower and tulips for the bees!

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Moving Into Our New Home In Stardew Valley
Episodes JC Morton Episodes JC Morton

Moving Into Our New Home In Stardew Valley

JoMo takes the bus to Stardew Valley and is greeted by Robin, the town carpenter, and Mayor Lewis! After showing us to our new home on Grandpa's property, it's time to have our first night on the farm. We feel a little homesick, but it's quickly overwhelmed by all the excitement of our first day in Stardew Valley!

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JoMo Kids: An Epic, Educational Farming Adventure In Stardew Valley
Episodes JC Morton Episodes JC Morton

JoMo Kids: An Epic, Educational Farming Adventure In Stardew Valley

Follow along as JoMo embarks on an epic, educational farming journey! Kids can help build "Our Farm", meet the unique people of Pelican Town, make new friends, and learn about nature and how to grow vegetables. Find out what it takes to work outdoors and care for animals through a bright, safe, pixelated universe inside the Stardew Valley video game.

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