JC Morton JC Morton

Marni McMullen: Youth Program Assistant, RayCam Cooperative Centre

“John did a few sessions with our kids who were interested in streaming and making videos on YouTube; they loved it. He had them make their own logos, talked to them about the work involved in creating a personal brand and how this type of work can branch into other career opportunities in the future.”

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JC Morton JC Morton

Cory Robertson: Director of Technology, Anaheim Elementary School District

“John did a great job guest speaking with our students involved in our Esports Program! We can tell the kids appreciate JoMo talking with them at a level that respects their questions and ideas. He doesn’t talk down to them or treat them as kids, he treats them as peers, which is what they really respond well to.”

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JC Morton JC Morton

Pete Wilkins: Founder of GamingCareers.com

“JoMo has been a great help with setting up the Gaming Careers Discord and Patreon Page and his advice has been instrumental in shaping these two platforms for our community.”

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JC Morton JC Morton

Tran Polizzi: eSports Coach, Orange Grove Elementary

"JoMo is a great person to talk to students about responsible gaming and streaming; he keeps it real. With a background in the industry, what better person to talk to students about it than him? They prefer to talk to someone with experience and who has created content. He is a great role model for them."

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